
3 Stages of truth & knowledge

www. naturalnews. com

Much of the people in the western world are ostensibly living unconsciously, locked inside their own minds, too busy to break free of social norms and societal pressures. In fact, when presented with a new or different idea to a pre-existing belief, 96 percent of the population will reject the idea outright while only four percent will be open to the possibility of the inherent truth. It is because of this inability of many individuals to take in new knowledge that much of the present problems of the world have recently been exacerbated. When the world is ready for independent thought and knowledge, devoid of societal influences from the media, friends and family, the revolution will have arrived and flow of positive changes will be unstoppable.According to the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." For example, looking back historically at how cigarettes were recommended by doctors, anyone who initially said that cigarettes caused cancer was summarily laughed at. Still, as more and more knowledge was evinced, the masses moved to only reject this information as being totally incorrect without accepting the truth of it. But, over time the laughable idea that smoking could cause serious health problems including death, became self-evident.The same truths are slowly becoming self-evident in regards to the dangers and greed behind the release of GMOs, pharmaceuticals, the cancer industry and mandatory vaccines. The only tactic Big Pharma and Big Biotechna can possibly employ is to subvert or block truthful knowledge in order for the majority of society to be inundated with deleterious and misinformed information, keeping the status quo while the masses remained incognizant prisoners of poor choices and disinformation. This can only be seen as a last-ditch effort by these desperate and soon-to-be defunct companies to keep people fearful, controlled and chronically ill. But, as more and more people begin to slowly awaken, the grip of the corporate juggernauts begins loosen as individuals reclaim back their well-being and happiness.In terms of the efficacy of natural health, society has gradually been shifting from the violent opposition stage to the self-evident stage. A conscious awakening is steadily occurring in many individuals as they begin to question the food they are eating, how they are living their lives and what true health entails. These shifts are only going to precipitously increase as the world moves from the unconscious control of the majority, to leadership of the conscious, aware and love of the minority. Once this occurs, the true revolution will have commenced. The best way to foment change is through the dissemination of veritable information to the masses in hope that some will become the change they wish for. As Samuel Adams once said, " "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds".About the authorDr. Gregory Damato enjoys a vegan lifestyle and runs a Quantum Biofeedback clinic treating various clients ranging from autism to cancer. He is currently authoring a book for parents educating on the many hidden dangers of vaccines, chemical toxicity in toys, GM foods, the effects of EMFs and EMRs and ways to combat rising childhood illness and neurological disease by naturally building immunity, detoxification and nutrition.His goal is to increase global awareness of the myriad of health issue facing us today and the fact that 100% of them are preventable and completely reversible

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